BSc (Chemistry)
Non-independent Director since January 2020
Chief Executive Officer since 1 January 2020
Skills and experience
Mike Henry has over 30 years’ experience in the global mining and petroleum industry, spanning operational, commercial, safety, technology and marketing roles.
Mike joined BHP in 2003 and has been a member of the Executive Leadership Team since 2011. Prior to joining BHP, Mike worked in the resources industry in Canada, Japan and Australia.
Mike brings deep operational and market knowledge across a range of commodities and a strategic approach to resource and skills development to implement BHP’s strategy and future growth options that will support global economic growth and decarbonisation. He is focused on creating a safe, high performance culture, enabled by an inclusive workplace in which people are empowered at every level through the BHP operating system.
Mike is committed to building strong relationships with governments, Indigenous partners, community stakeholders and business partners to ensure BHP’s activities deliver mutual benefit to these stakeholders while driving strong value for shareholders. Mike brings a disciplined approach to the Board’s considerations of capital allocation in assets, technology, commodities and risk management.

We produce commodities essential to everyday life, global economic growth and energy transition.