BHP's Climate Transition Action Plan (CTAP) 2024
Our CTAP 2024 sets out our climate change strategy, commitments, targets and goals, and forward-looking plans. It continues our multi-decade focus on climate and underscores our commitment to becoming a more sustainable and resilient business. This is important work that will help set us up to grow long-term value for shareholders.
Much has changed in our portfolio since we released our first Climate Transition Action Plan in September 2021. We have increased our exposure to commodities that stand to benefit from the trends that will shape the world in the decades to come. We have divested our petroleum business. We are focusing our coal portfolio on the higher-quality steelmaking coals increasingly preferred by customers. And we have increased our exposure to copper and potash, with further growth to come. We expect the traditional drivers of demand for our key commodities to endure. That demand will only be amplified by the energy transition.
What has not changed is our resolve to operate our business in ever more sustainable ways.
Since the 1990s, we have set and achieved targets for Scopes 1 and 2 emissions from our operated assets.1 We call these operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and we are working to extend our track record of delivery through our Climate Transition Action Plan 2024. We remain on track to meet our operational GHG emissions target of at least a 30 per cent reduction by FY2030 against an FY2020 baseline. The next wave of our operational decarbonisation will be harder. We are developing pathways for our long-term goal to achieve net zero operational GHG emissions by CY2050.
While we work to decarbonise our operations, we also seek to support our suppliers and customers to do the same. As Scope 3 emissions relate to their businesses, we cannot directly control them, however, we can seek to influence better outcomes through our procurement decisions and the investments and partnerships we choose to pursue.
By supporting and investing in various potential pathways, we want to help accelerate the development of technology that could not just benefit our value chain, but that of our broader industry.
The road from ambition to abatement is hard. No business can navigate it alone. In fact, we need industry and government to walk it together to achieve the world’s net zero ambitions. This is why we continue to support government policies aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement and conduct our advocacy efforts consistent with our Climate Policy Principles.
Our CTAP 2024 reaffirms our intent to play our part in this global effort – producing more of the essential commodities the world needs to develop and decarbonise; investing to reduce our operational GHG emissions; and collaborating to support lower GHG emissions in our value chain. In doing this, we continue to reflect our purpose of bringing people and resources together to build a better world.
1. Includes achievement of the following targets set by BHP: Reduction in the GHG emissions intensity of our operations by 10 per cent between FY1995 and FY2000; reduction in the GHG emissions intensity of our operations by 5 per cent between FY2002 and FY2007; maintaining operational GHG emissions below our FY2006 baseline by FY2017, while growing our business; and maintaining operational GHG emissions (Scopes 1 and 2 emissions from our operated assets) at or below FY2017 levels by FY2022 while we continue to grow our business.
Sustainability case studies, organisational boundary, definitions & disclaimers, and downloads
Prior year versions of some of the listed documents are available on the Past reports page.-
BHP Annual Report 2024
BHP Climate Transition Action Plan 2024
Sustainability reporting organisational boundary, definitions and disclaimers
Límite organizativo de los informes de sostenibilidad, definiciones y cláusulas de exención de responsabilidad
BHP ESG Standards and Databook 2024
CDP 2023 Submission Not Graded
BHP Climate Transition Action Plan 2021
BHP Climate Change Report 2020
Climate Change: Portfolio Analysis View after Paris
BHP GHG Emissions Calculation Methodology 2024
Case studies