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Sustainability approach

Sustainability is key to our purpose of bringing people and resources together to build a better world. 


Our ambition

We are committed to finding new ways of operating more sustainably while supplying products that are essential for the global transition towards a more sustainable future. We can only achieve our purpose through collective effort, and we value the opportunity of partnering in our value chain to strive to make our business more sustainable and to contribute to global sustainable development goals.

Our approach and position

We recognise our business interacts with a range of material sustainability topic areas. Furthermore, we recognise a key to operating more sustainably is how we govern our approach to managing our actual and potential impacts.

As illustrated below, our sustainability approach is defined by our purpose, building strong foundations, and creating social value. For more information, our social value framework, approach to governance, and annual performance against our social value scorecard are detailed on our Social value webpage and in the BHP Annual Report 2024, Operating and Financial Review 6.5 - 2030 goals. For more information on our approach to sustainability-related risk management, refer to our Sustainability-related risk management webpage and the BHP Annual Report 2024, Operating and Financial Review 8 How we manage risk.



Governance and oversight, engagement, disclosure and performance

  • Governance and oversight
  • Engagement
  • Contributing to sustainable development
  • Performance


We commit to a number of sustainability frameworks, standards and initiatives and we disclose data as required by law and according to the requirements of those frameworks, standards and initiatives. Our sustainability performance data is included in relevant sections of the BHP Annual Report 2024, Operating and Financial Review, and in our ESG Standards and Databook 2024. Our Annual Reporting suite also includes our Modern Slavery Statement 2024, prepared under the Australian Modern Slavery Act (2018) and UK Modern Slavery Act (2015), and our Economic Contribution Report 2024. We have obtained external limited assurance over the sustainability disclosures included in the BHP Annual Report 2024, Operating and Financial Review and our ESG Standards and Databook 2024.

Our sustainability disclosures are informed by and/or consistent with the principles, position statements and requirements of the following disclosure frameworks, standards and initiatives. 

Our approach to responsible production and sourcing standards, including details on some of our relevant memberships, is detailed on our Value chain sustainability webpage.