orange gradient

Regulatory information

sample saturday

2021 Caval Ridge Mine Horse Pit Extension Project Referral (EPBC 2021-9031)

2024 Caval Ridge Mine Horse Pit Extension Project Preliminary Documentation (EPBC 2021-9031)

Appendix O CVM Environmental Management Plan

Horse Pit Extension Project Environmental Authority Amendment Application

Mining Lease 1775 Caval Ridge Mine Application for Additional Surface Area 16

Mining Lease Notice - ML 1775 Caval Ridge Mine Application for Additional Surface Area 16

Regulatory Compliance

test title

BMA Horse Pit Extension Fact Sheet

Barrett Creek Water Licence Application

Impact Report

Public Notice - Underground Water Impact Report Approval for ML700021

    Under section 385 of the Water Act 2000, the Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DETSI) have approved (with conditions), BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) Underground Water Impact Report (UWIR) respective to Mining Lease (ML) 700021. The approval decision for the UWIR was issued on 6th of December 2024.

  • Public Notice - Underground Water Impact Report Approval for ML700021

Saraji Mine Spring to Phillips Diversion

Saraji Open Cut Extension Project

Spring to Phillips Creek Diversion Project EPBC Act Approval

Spring to Phillips Creek Diversion Project EPBC Act Preliminary Documentation

Spring to Phillips Creek Diversion Project EPBC Act Referral

Spring to Phillips Creek Diversion Water Licence Application

Spring to Phillips Diversion Project

Proposed Saraji East Mining Lease Project

Revised Saraji East Mining Lease Project EIS (December 2024)

Saraji East Mining Lease Project EIS (August 2024)

Saraji East Mining Lease Project EIS (November 2024)


BHP Mt Arthur Community Response Line: 1800 882 044.

Annual EPBC Compliance Documents

Annual Reviews

Blast Notification Letter

Blast Notification Letters

Blast Notifications Letters

Community Complaints Summary

Mt Arthur Coal Community Consultative Committee

Regulatory - Environmental Management Plan


Coal Transport Information

    The Coal Transport Report is now included in the Mt Arthur Coal Annual Review. Please refer to the respective Annual Review Document in the above section.


  • FY17 Annual Coal Transport Report

Community Information

Environmental Management Plans

Annual Rehabilitation Reports

Environmental Monitoring Information

Environment Protection Licence Pollution Studies and Reduction Programs

Independent Environmental Audits

Mt Arthur Coal Community Consultative Committee (CCC)

Mt Arthur Coal Mine Modification 2 Modification Report - lodged and pending assessment and approval

Mt Arthur Coal Open Cut Mine Modification Project Exhibition Documents

Project Exhibitions, Assessments and Approvals

Regulatory - Environmental Management Plans

Regulatory - Environmental Monitoring Informatin

BHP is committed to providing full, fair and reasonable opportunity for Australian suppliers. 

In line with our commitments under the Australian Jobs Act 2013 and approved Australian Industry Participation Plan, opportunities for the company’s proposed SCM 21 Project accessed through the Industry Capability Network gateway website

The proposed SCM21 Project is currently in Definition Phase and is subject to a number of internal approvals. As part of this phase , the Company is seeking expressions of interest from suitable qualified contractors and suppliers to gain and understanding of the capacity and the capability of available contractors and suppliers for the proposed project.    


1982 Olympic Dam Project Environmental Impact Statement

1997 Olympic Dam Expansion Project Environmental Impact Statement

Annual Environment Reports

2009 Olympic Dam Expansion Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)

Electricity Application

Environment Protection and Management Program (Current, Federal Govt)

Environment Protection and Management Program (Current, SA Govt)

Environment Protection and Management Program (Current, SA Govt)

2011 Olympic Dam Expansion Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)

Fundão Dam Collapse Recovery Efforts

BHP WAIO EPBC SEA Annual Environmental Report FY23

Newman Water Licence

Water Supply Improvements - Newman

    The existing tanks at the Newman Water Treatment Plant are approaching end of life and require replacement.  BHP proposes to upgrade the drinking water and raw water tanks, and increase capacity  to meet long-term storage requirements. Subject to obtaining all necessary approvals, work is expected to commence on site in early 2024. Any objections or comments on the proposed work can be submitted in writing to the Project Lead, Level 31, 125 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA, 6000 by Wednesday 4 October 2023.

  • Water Supply Improvements - Newman
  • Newman Water Supply Improvements - Tank Replacement

Regulatory Information

Western Australia Iron Ore, Pilbara Strategic Assessment (Commonwealth)

Western Austrlian Iron Ore, Pilbara Strategic Assessment (Commonwealth)

The BHP Iron Ore Pilbara Strategic Assessment Program was endorsed by the Minister for the Environment and Energy on 11 May 2017 and an Approval Decision for taking actions in accordance with the Program was issued on 19 June 2017. 

Consultation and Public Comment

Consultation and Public Comment

Validation Notice

Jimblebar Optimisation Project - Revised Draft Validation Notices - Appendix 2

Mooka Rail Works – Draft Validation Notice – Appendix 2: Terrestrial Fauna Survey Reports

Mooka Rail Works – Draft Validation Notice – Appendix 2: Terrestrial Fauna Survey Reports

Yeerabiddy Rail Works – Draft Validation Notice

Western Australia Iron Ore - Pilbara Strategic Assessment (Commonwealth) > Validation Notices

Yeerabiddy Validation Notice Appendix 2 - Survey Report

BHP Iron Ore Customer Charter - Newman Drinking Water Services

BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd is committed to providing full, fair and reasonable opportunity for Australian suppliers.
In line with our commitments under the Australian Jobs Act 2013 and approved Australian Industry Participation Plan, opportunities for the Company’s proposed Jimblebar Beneficiation Project can be accessed through the Industry Capability Network Gateway website:

BHP Jimblebar Beneficiation (

The proposed Jimblebar Beneficiation Project is currently in study phase and is subject to a number of internal and external approvals. As part of the study, the Company is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified contractors to gain an understanding of the capacity and capability of available contractors for the proposed project.

Western Australia Iron Ore - Jimblebar

Public Environmental Review Strategic Proposal

Referral and Environmental Scoping Document

Report Appendices:

Report Maps:

Response to Public Submissions Supplementary Report

The BHP Iron Ore Pilbara Strategic Assessment Program was endorsed by the Minister for the Environment and Energy on 11 May 2017 and an Approval Decision for taking actions in accordance with the Program was issued on 19 June 2017.

As described in Part B of the endorsed Program, an Assurance Plan and Offsets Plan are required to be approved prior to undertaking an activity in accordance with the Program. The Assurance Plan and Offsets Plan were approved in accordance with the Program on 11 May 2018. Copies of the documents can be found below.

The purpose of the Assurance Plan is to define the environmental objectives, procedures and governance arrangements to ensure that all future activities within the scope of the Program are undertaken in accordance with the endorsed Program and achieve the Program’s objectives. The Assurance Plan has been developed to manage impacts to the Program Matters, being the listed threatened species Pilbara leaf-nosed bat (Rhinonicteris aurantius), northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus), greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis), ghost bat (Macroderma gigas), olive python (Pilbara subspecies) (Liasis olivaceus barroni), Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis) and Grey Falcon (Falco hypoleucos). The Plan also includes Program Matter Outcomes which are measurable outcomes that BHP Iron Ore must meet for each Program Matter to align with the objectives developed for each Program Matter.

Agreement and Terms of Reference

Annual Environmental Reports

Assurance Plan and Offsets Plan

Five Year Review

Impact Assessment Report

Open for Public Comment

Pilbara Strategic Assessment Program

Report Appendices:

Report Maps:

Validation Notices

East Pilbara Surplus Water Drilling Validation Notice

Yeerabiddy Rail Validation Notice Appendix 2 - Survey Report

Mooka Rail Siding Validation Notice Appendix 2 - Survey Reports

BHP Jimblebar Optimisation Project Validation Notice Appendix 2 - Survey Reports

Western Ridge Validation Notice - Appendices

West Australian Iron Ore Pilbara Strategic Assessment (Commonwealth) > Validation Notices

Appendices A1 – A7 (Management Plans)

Compliance Assessment Report Ministerial Statement 890

Main Document

Notice of Publication

Supporting Documentation for Response to Submissions: Technical Appendices 1-16

Technical Appendices B1 – B33

BHP Annual Reporting

BHP Quarterly Reporting

Western Australia Iron Ore, Supply Authority Objectives

BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd is committed to providing full, fair and reasonable opportunity for Australian suppliers.

In line with our commitments under the Australian Jobs Act 2013 and approved Australian Industry Participation Plan, opportunities for the Company’s Western Ridge Crusher Project can be accessed through the Industry Capability Network Gateway website.

The Western Ridge Crusher Project was approved for execution by the BHP Board in February 2024. As part of the project the Company continues to seek expressions of interest from suitably qualified contractors to gain an understanding of the capacity and capability of available contractors for the project.


BHP Quarterly Reporting under Western Australia Iron Ore, Supply Authority Objectives

BHP Quarterly Reporting under Western Australia Iron Ore , Supply Authority Objectives

BHP Quarterly Report section under Western Australia Iron Ore, Supply Authority Objectives

BHP Quarterly Report section under Western Australia Iron Ore, Supply Authority Objectives

Consultation and Public Comment

Consultation and Public Notices

Consultation and Public Notices

Iron Ore - under Western Australian Iron Ore Pilbara Strategic Assessment (Commonwealth) - Impact AR

Western Australia Iron Ore, Supply Authority Objectives

Western Australia Iron Ore , Supply Authority Objectives

Western Australia Iron Ore, Supply Authority Objectives -> BHP Quarterly Reporting

Western Australia Iron Ore , Supply Authority Objectives -> BHP Quarterly Reporting

Western Australia Iron Ore - Supply Authority Objectives -> BHP Quarterly Reporting

Western Australia Iron Ore, Supply Authority Objectives -> Quarterly Reporting

Western Australia Iron Ore - Supply Authority Objectives -> Western Australia Iron Ore, Supply Autho

BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd is committed to providing full, fair and reasonable opportunity for Australian suppliers.

In line with our commitments under the Australian Jobs Act 2013 and approved Australian Industry Participation Plan, opportunities for the Company’s proposed Port Debottlenecking Project 2 can be accessed through the Industry Capability Network Gateway website.

The proposed Port Debottlenecking Project 2 is currently in study phase and is subject to a number of internal and external approvals. As part of the study, the Company is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified contractors to gain an understanding of the capacity and capability of available contractors for the proposed project.

Mt Keith Satellite Compliance Assessment Plan

Mt Keith Satellite Compliance Assessment Reports

Mt Keith Satellite Project Flora and Vegetation Environmental Management Plan

Leinster Water Licence

Regulatory Information